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There is Peace in Christ

Hey everyone,

This one is gonna be a short one because I don´t have time, but I just want to let you all know that I´m doing alright! I had to say goodbye to one of the greatest missionaries and friend on Thursday which was super hard to do because Dear sweet Sister Stubbs is just the best!!!! I know that Heavenly Father hears prayers and that she is going to be able to get better soon!

I have been in a trio the past few days and it is been an adventure to say the least. I have just been trying to find peace throughout all of the change and craziness.

I had an interview with our Mission President this week and was just reminded of how blessed we truly are to have leaders who love us and pray for us! He also extended me the calling to train a new missionary for my last transfer! I can´t believe it! How amazing! I am excited to learn from her as we make this next 6 weeks one for the books!

I had such a great privilege to go on Sunday to the Asuncion Temple because all of the sister missionaries will be helping out in the Open House for the temple and we were able to enter and have a tour of the inside. Though it is not dedicated yet, I was able to receive just so much peace and guidance that I very much needed.

I just want to bear my testimony about how important it is to truly turn to Christ within the midst of all trials that life gives. Not only should we during those times, but also in the good ones! This has been one of the hardest weeks I´ve had here in Paraguay, but I have been able to find peace through my scripture study, priesthood blessings, taking the sacrament, praying, and attending the temple

I know that Heavenly Father lives and loves us. What a beautiful thing that truly is! I know that when we listen and act on guidance from the prophet, who is the mouth piece of the Lord, we can find peace. What greater way to do so then tuning in to General Conference this weekend on Saturday and Sunday where we can listen to what the Lord would want us to remember and do to find the peace we yearn for!

I love you all so much and wish you a happy week!


Hermana Mendoza

pic 1 no way to go to Asuncion without stopping at waffle roga

pic 2 Oh ya know, just the sweetest and cutest hermana Stubbs!

pic 3 remember when I said that my comp has pique last week??? Guess who had it this week????

pic 4 last district meeting

pic 5 I got to have 2 district meetings #triolife


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