I honestly have just been thinking about how blessed I have been to be here in Paraguay serving the Lord for the past 16 months. As I was reflecting on this I've decided to do things a little different this weekly email. I'm going to list 16 reasons to why these 16 months have changed me.
1. I've been able to see how Heavenly Father truly has a perfect plan and how we are truly meant to have joy in our lives
2. Nothing beats being able to see someone learn how to pray so that they can start their relationship with God and truly understand that He loves them PERFECTLY
3. I've been truly blessed to have some of the best leaders and companions in these months who have truly helped me and shaped me into the person that I am now
4. I've seen how the Atonement of Jesus Christ is truly something that we may not every comprehend all of the way, but that if we have desires to learn more from our Savior, He is willing to literally take away all of the pains, hardships, sicknesses, sadness, etc. from us so that we can find PEACE
5. The Book of Mormon is truly another testament of Jesus Christ and I have such a strong testimony that anyone who reads it can truly find more peace, hope, and joy in this life. It answers questions of the soul and is one of the greatest gifts we have been given
6. We can all receive personal revelation for our own lives as we strive to search from the best books and teachings as well as trusting in God.
7. Heavenly Father has perfect timing and we can learn so much from our experiences if we keep a journal and reflect back on what we have learned and how we have seen His Hands in our lives.
8. Paraguay has some of the absolute kindest people in the ENTIRE WORLD and I feel like I've learned so much about humility and charity from them <3
9. Heavenly Father ALWAYS hears our prayers and we just need to work on our Faith and trust in His judgement
10. The power of fasting is so special and Heavenly Father will always accept our offering to Him if we come with a broken heart and contrite sprit.
11. We can always start over each time we take the sacrament worthily and it is something so sacred and special that we get the chance to participate in each and every week
12. The Holy Ghost is always ready to lead and guide us as we strive to listen more to His voice
13. The Christ-like Attributes are truly beautiful and as we strive to develop them we can see people more with His eyes
14. Families can only be together forever if we keep our covenants and endue to the end. There are no if ands or buts to that statement.
15. We have a living prophet who is named President Russell M. Nelson and He receives revelation for the world
16. As we give ourselves to the Lord as an offering, we will see just how much He has in store for us. We can truly be instruments in His hands and we should seek to see how others are being instruments in our lives.
This is literally only a tiny portion of some of the lessons that I've learned in these 16 months and I know that these last two will just continue to help my knowledge of the Heavenly Father's love and infinite plan continue to change my life and the lives of others!
Hermana Mendoza
pic 1 ¿Paraguay or Paradise?
pic 2 No way to celebrate a cumple mes (celebrating a month) than by some good food
pic 3 I just love how hna Ucedo (Sister Ucedo) has her Christmas decor all year round
pic 4. Some good ol asadito to help out a good cause (our hunger LOL)
pic 5. Soooooooooooooooooooo we had to bring our breakfast to church because we had no time in the morning
pic 6 Hna Gaona (I don't remember her first name hahaha) came to our ward this morning and it was fun to catch up!!!!!!!!!!
pic 7 Pte gave us the okay to watch the YSA Devo on Sunday so we had to snap a pic hahah
pic 8 Just some good fruit juice is what you need sometimes!