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Hey everyone!

I am soooooo sorry that my emails have been suuuuuuper lame these past few weeks, BUT I´m just here to tell you all a little bit about what has been happening these past few weeks!

2 weeks ago we had our last divisions of the transfer and I was able to share time with Hermana Pacaya for the second time and also with hermana Guerrero! It´s always super cool to learn from other missionaries and their areas too!

This week we´ve been in and out of Asuncion because my comp and I have been going to the hospital because of her cough and because a table fell on my foot BUT we´re all good! Hahahah

I love my area soo much! And we´ve been able to find some amazing new people to teach!!!!!

I don´t have any time at all today but I just wanted to give you all some news! I have been released from my calling as a Sister Training Leader and am going to be finishing my last two transfers finishing the training of Hermana Stubbs here in Ysapy!!!!!!!!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH It´s going to be such a crazy next few weeks, but I am so excited for the new adventure!


Hermana Mendoza

pic 1 concilio

pic 2 divisions with hermana pacaya

pic 3 divisions with hermana guerrero

pic 4 just a typical day in ysapy with some cows in the street

pic 5 last week we practiced in the police acadamy for a special musical number and it was soooooo cool!

pic 6 I got to meet my younger sister in the mission! My trainer trained 3 times

pic 7 with all of the hermanas from my group

pic 8 Just a pic with the mission fam!

pic 9 My last zone conf with my trainer

pic 10 Just a pic of my injured foot

pic 11 Just getting some waffles in between my doctor appointments

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