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Okay, I´m so sorry that my emails haven´t been too good recently. These past two weeks have been a bit crazy with my comp finishing her mission and last week we got to tour my 1st area because my comp also served there, thus we had limited time to write home.

On Tuesday two weeks ago I said goodbye to some of the best people in the world! President and Hermana Evans, who are now back in the US! I´ll attach the pictures at the bottom!

This week my new mission president and his family arrived here in Paraguay! They are from Colorado, USA and are awesome! I had the chance to have a meeting with them and the hermana leaders and zone leaders! Pres and Hermana Millett are just so excited to work here in the mission and have had some cool training before coming here to Paraguay!

This week honestly went by so fast I can´t even believe it! Hermana Torres and I are working here in the Ysapy are in Capiatá and for her last week here in the mission we were working super hard to try and talk to everyone we saw! We honestly had so much success in that and were able to truly see the Lord´s hand in our path. Every single day we were able to find people who truly wanted to learn more! It´s neat that when we just decide to put all of our time and energy in the work and just saw so many fruits! The Spirit was definitely directing us as we were inspired to see which homes and parts of our area to visit. My area here in Ysapy is really big and there are some parts that I have yet to explore profoundly, but I am excited to continue working here and find some more awesome people to teach. We´ve been working with a part member family and their 3 sons Josue, Marcelo, and Mathias came to church with their parents! It was honestly such a tender mercy! :) Today is my last day with Hermana Torres as my companion and I am excited to have an opportunity to learn from another companion. I have been companions with hermana Torres for 2 changes. I truly was able to learn a lot from her and look forward to continue putting things in action that she taught me! I have no idea who could be my next companion, but tomorrow I will find out! Haha My personal study this week has been SO AMAZING! I truly love being able to study the scriptures so much and gain a lot of insight from it! I´ve been studying in the book of Alma and read through the missions of the sons of Mosiah. Something that really stood out to me was the comparison of people to instruments. I´d been dwelling on what it takes to become an effective instrument in the Lord´s hands and trying to see what things I could change to be a better instrument in His hands! I also loved reading through some general conference talks and just was grateful to remember how merciful the Lord is to truly answer our prayers and guide us through the promptings of the Holy Ghost!

I hope you all had an amazing week!


Hermana Mendoza

pic 1 The last time I saw President and Hermana Evans at zone conference

pic 2 picture with zona capiatá, limpio a/b, y chaco

pic 3 Hermana Felix was one of my old comps and she´s training!

pic 4 Divisions with Hermana Welther!

pic 5 The Ucedo family is awesome and they feed us lunch every Friday!

pìc 6 views from Campo Verde hahahaha

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