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I hope that you all had an amazing week! I can't wait to share all about mine! This week we celebrated the Independence day of Paraguay, Mother's Day in Paraguay, and I hit my year mark of being in the mission!!!!!!!! SO FUN The subject line means: Happy Birthday in Guarani!

This was a pretty good week! I really enjoyed being able to feel even more of the love that Heavenly Father has not only for me, but for the people I am serving and teaching! To me, it is always cool to see the bigger picture in things and when we change our perspective to match Heavenly Father´s we will understand the greater purpose in all things! WHAT A BLESSING! On Tuesday I had been expecting to see some fireworks and big asados to celebrate the independence day for Paraguay, but instead saw just a few asados, 2 fireworks, BUT Hermana Torres and I were able to meet up with some amazing people as they were home from work due to the holiday! We met with some people who were truly remarkable and I know that Heavenly Father was truly guiding our paths to help us find the people who were ready! Wednesday was such a cool experience! I love how the people of Paraguay spent more time to celebrate and honor the mothers on Mother´s day (May 15th) than to go super crazy on Independence day (May 14th). To me, it just really showed how much they truly care about the family and their mothers! We were able to find some people and teach investigators more with their families due to the Holiday! To me, that was the coolest part! I love being able to teach with all members of the family! We ended up being able to find and teach a family of 2! Their names are Laura and Sol, a mother and daughter! WOW! I can´t even comprehend how remarkable that lesson was! It´s so neat to see how Heavenly Father has just a perfect plan and will lead us to those who are truly ready to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ in their lives and act! WOW! It was truly just such a neat blessing! Thursday was such a special day! I hit my 1 year mark of being in the mission and was able to celebrate at zone conference! I truly always look forward to learning from all of the speakers in the conference! Hermana Torres and I had been praying to receive more guidance on what we can do more specifically to help our investigators be able to grow and progress and it was clear that the theme of our Zone Conference had been about the importance of the Holy Ghost and what we need to do to always have its companionship. What a neat opportunity it was to see how even though my companion and I didn´t coordinate with all of the speakers, but we too ended up focusing on the importance of creating a spiritual environment while we taught about some of the basics that create miracles. I LOVE WHEN THAT HAPPENS!!!!!!! It´s so cool to realize that this is not our work so to say, but in reality it is the work of the LORD! When we listen and act on promptings of the Holy Ghost we are able to find some amazing experiences! On Friday Hermana Torres and I were in Laurlety to have divisions with Hermana Link and Fumero. Due to some bad knee problems that Hermana Link had been having, we staying in the whole day and worked on studies, prepping for an activity they had coming up, and looking back towards what we had learned in Zone conference! Hermana Link is such a sweet hermana and she has a really neat testimony and desire to go and serve. I was grateful for the chance to learn with her and try and find more ways to help the investigators that they have progress. She is from Brazil and was able to help me with my Portuguese too! Haha it was so much fun! Hermana Torres and I had been praying a lot about our investigator Jessica with the hopes to find a way to help her be able to progress. After hearing the Holy Ghost during our zone conference we both felt as though we should help her get on the path to receiving the holy ghost earlier than postponing it. Thank you for teaching/reminding us of how without the Holy Ghost we aren´t able to truly progress. We talked with her and were able to plan on having her baptism be on Thursday 23 de Mayo 2019. She truly needs the Holy Ghost to be able to progress and move forwards with everything. She was able to attend church on Sunday and that was such a neat experience because she was there with her whole family. They live a bit far from the chapel, but still put the effort into coming. Being able to see the change in people has been such an amazing experience. I am grateful for this chance to learn and progress! We also had a cool experience on Saturday where as we were walking to visit some of the new investigators we found the week earlier, a girl called out to us and asked us if we would be able to teach her and her grandma about Jesus Christ. She truly was able to recognize that we are disciples and servants of our Heavenly Father and our purpose is to teach and invite others to come unto Christ. It was very tender to me! I´ve been having some really cool personal study experiences that have helped me to just remember the importance of always studying the scriptures and writing down impression in a study journal, post it, or whatever you have! It makes all of the difference and that is truly how we learn!


I hope you´re all doing well too! Let me know what things are new in your lives too! :) ROHAYHU

Hermana Mendoza

pic 1 I made some homemade banana bread all by myself, and it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO DELICIOUS

pic 2 personal study vibes

pic 3 paraguayan sunsets are beeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaautiful

pic 4 zone conf with my comp

pic 5 look what she did to help me celebrate being in paraguay for a year!!!!

pic 6 just some of my favorite hermanas!

pic 7 the coolest district you ever did see

pic 8 divisions in laurelty

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