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Homegirl got schooled in Guarani LOL


I just wanted to start out saying that I am so sorry for the lack of good pictures in my weekly emails... I always have desires to send some cool pictures but I just tend to always forget to take out my camera and am just too focused on being in the moment... Maybe that is a little lame, but I will try to be better! Hahaha!

This week we had divisions with the Sister Training Leaders and I went to Ysapy in the Capiáta area! It was SO COOL!!! It has been a while since I had left my area for divisions and I was so excited to get to see what another area of the mission looked like! It was such an interesting mix of sand, paved roads, and en piedrada streets (when there are just some rocks that are chilling in the road and it honestly is the worse to walk on) but the people there are AMAZING! I loved just getting to go to a new area where no one knew me and just talk about the thing that makes me the happiest! What a great feeling it was! Haha, don't get me wrong, I love my area of Campo Grande, but It was just truly fun to get to be new somewhere else for a day!

Okay I put the subject line as it is because while we were in Ysapy I went with my companion for the day down a street that she'd never been on and we went contacting and met this AWESOME family! The grandma was sitting outside with her grandchildren and we started to teach them about the restoration. Hermana Milligan used some guarani to show them that we are learning it and know a little (homegirl knows more than I do hahahah) and then the grandma just was only talking to her in guarani! I could catch a few words, but the rest was a jigsaw puzzle! HAHAHAHA Guarani 1 Hermana Mendoza 0

I can't believe that I have been in Paraguay for 9 MONTHS already! Whaaaaaat?! That's pretty crazy for me to believe, but I love it here! It's truly such a beautiful place with amazing people and an experience that I'll never forget!

I was pretty tired yesterday when Hermana McCance and I walked miles and miles (I think about 5 or 6) yesterday as we tried to find people to give our invitations for our ward activity of Family History movie night and literally only encountered with just a few that were willing to accept our flyer. BUT... I do know that Heavenly Father truly had us walk and walk and walk with little "success" so that we would be able to encounter with a man who we passed his reference to hermanas in Luque a week ago, see how he was doing, and then invite him to the activity on Friday. It was by divine design that that happened. We also went to go visit a less active member, Leila, due to a thought of inspiration that my companion had. It was exactly what we needed to do after walking. And even though we were tired and a little let down that we did not have much success as we had wanted with the flyers, we were able to minister to the one. I feel as though this theme has been pretty present in my life this change and just realizing how important it is to open your eyes and see what is right in front of you. It has been really nice to see Heavenly Father's hand in my life and to understand more the plan and purpose that He has for me. She really was in need of help and service and we made it there in impeccable timing. It was honestly just the coolest tender mercy for us to have. Leila is amazing and my heart just was so happy to see how Heavenly Father inspired us to go there and visit her!

Lastly but not least I'd like to invite you all to clear your plans for Saturday and Sunday and make time to watch and listen to General Conference! The time where you can receive guidance and counsel from the leaders of our Church! Such an amazing opportunity! BUT don't forget to write down questions, thoughts, or things that you would like to receive answers too!


Hermana Mendoza

pic1 we made homemade cinnamon rolls and they were dang good!

pic2 my mission fam! Me, my mission sister, my trainer, and my mission daughter!

pic3 Hna Milligan and I stuffing these rolls in our pockets that a member gave us on our way home

pic4 Hna Milligan and I after divisions when we had to catch the collective (bus) at 6AM :)

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