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The Mission Taught Me to Run a Hotel

So here's the latest and the greatest with life on the mish!

This week changes happened, or as other people call them TRANSFERS! And though my sweet companion and I made it out alive from transfers, we were the ones to welcome all from out far who had transfers into our house! Hahaha we were the hostess' of 14 Hermanas in our house and it was quite an adventure if I do say so myself! HAHAHA We had mattresses filling every spot of our house and I feel so sad that I forgot to take a picture of it all, but it was quite a fun memory! Not only did we have the hermanas with transfers, but we also housed the hermanas who had finished their mission and were going home back to "real life" It was SO CRAZY! I said goodbye to Hermana Wall, who is my first companion to finish her mission, and it was super loco! I couldn't believe just how fast time went by!

We saw some awesome miracles happening this week! I really have been trying to work on receiving more faith in finding more people to teach and I had a pretty cool experience this week. Our ward mission leader, Joel had given us a reference of two brothers that lived close towards him and were starting a food business. He said that they were "golden" and that it was the perfect time to start teaching them! Joel hadn't worked that much with us before and we were super excited to contact this reference with him. President... this man named David was AMAZING! Like I honestly was just amazed to hear about his story and just how ready he is to receive the message of the Restored Gospel on the Earth. He told us in our very first visit about how he had been a cocaine addict and that he had a rough past, but through getting some help along the way he doesn't have the desire to use the bad substances any more. It was SO COOL just to see how his family has also made an impact on him. He told us that his aunt is a member in Lambare and that he even had a cousin serve a mission in Argentina. My testimony just strengthened so much after that visit because we were able to teach lesson 1 and place the baptismal fecha. He was so excited to accept it and honestly has true desires to change and start his relationship with Christ.

It also had rained quite a bit this week so the weather was suuuuuuuuper nice and I think it's a good sign that we are about to roll into Autumn!

I have just been having the coolest experiences with my book of Mormon reading and Just want to bear my testimony that the Book is true and that no matter what goes on in our life we find peace and comfort within each of the pages. My heart is full and I know that Heavenly Father has called me to be here in this WONDERFUL country of Paraguay to share the message of true happiness!



Hermana Mendoza

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