Hey y'all! I hope that your week was fantastic!
This week was truly such a great one! I can't believe that We are about 1/2 way through January already! How does that even make sense! Hahaha
It has been pretty hot here recently, but I guess that's just how it goes with Summer time in Paraguay! Hahaha I can't tell ya how grateful I have truly been for the small and simple things like some good ol' cold cup of water! Hahaha
This week I have been having some AMAZING times in my personal study! I have been studying a lot this past week about prophets and have been receiving just the best experiences from my study! I have been studying this topic because it is one of the ones that we teach a lot (The Restoration) and also with the new year and new curriculum for the church. I have such a strong testimony of Prophets and that it is by divine design the counsel we receive! I really loved studying Jacob 4 this week and verses 4 and 6 were great to help me see that it is true, prophets have always been here to help!
There were definitely a few miracles that happened this week! We were able to find 11 amazing new investigators here in Campo Grande and though the number may not seem too big, it's the quality over quantity! Haha these new people are so excited to feel the love and happiness of the gospel! We also were able to challenge our investigator Hilda for baptism and she accepted after praying with us on our knees! It was a lesson that I will never forget! We also helped our investigator Alcides make some steps for being able to recover from his smoking and drinking addiction!
I know that Heavenly Father truly loves us so much and that when we start to pray specifically we are able to receive our answers more clear! He hears our hearts, but we need to make the effort to gain an answer!
I love you all so much and am so grateful for your love and support!
Hope you can play in the snow a little for me! Hahahahahha
Hermana Mendoza
1. Hermana Celia
2.Familia Farina
4. A cool well
5.Alessia's birthday