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It's October 1st and I can't believe it!

Hey hey hey!

I seriously can´t believe that it is October 1st already!!!! Let me tell ya that the weather definitely doesn´t make it feel that way because it is so so hot! Haha, but it is just so crazy to see how fast the ti me is flying! I was so grateful for the opportunity that I had this week to study in the Book of Ether because there is seriously so so much goodness in this book and Chapter 12 is absolutely fanaminal about how important it is to have faith, hope, and charity!

I was a little sick with a cold this week, but that didn´t stop hermana Amado and I from working! There were some times when We weren´t reaching too much success when we tried finding new people to teach, BUT Heavenly Father always blesses us with neat experiences when we need them! On Friday I had divisions with Hermana Maco (USA; Utah) and it was amazing! I love being able to learn from all of the missionaries and she is amazing! We taught a family that had listened to the misisonaries before and didn´t really progress, but after sharing our testimonies of the Book of Mormon the whole enviornment changed and the Spirit was seriosuly so so so strong! I have such a testimony of when we are lñistening to the Spirit we are able to really gain the insight we need to continue on and speak.

Today after practicing for a musical number in the offices I had the BEST TIME EVER because I got to see my mom in the mission (my trainer) Hermana Tenòrio!!!!!!! She is serving in the Chaco but was in the offices today for interviews with the President of the Misison. I know that the missionary work that we are doing is the same in every part of the world! It is such a cool thing to know that I am just playing a part out here as a missionary and there are so so so many more people doing the same in all parts of the world!

I love our Savior Jesus Christ so much and am so excited for general conference this week! Make sure to tune in and I promise that you will receive the help and guidance you need!


Hermana Mendoza

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