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2 months in Paraguay full of blessings

What an amazing week it has been! After almost 2 months of living without heat or air conditioning, we finally received the kits (but it hasn't been installed yet haha). But I must say that the Lord always hears our prayers and knows our needs. Monday night a family in our ward called to ask if we had enough blankets, coats, and hot food in our apartment. They then brought 2 big comforters and food for us because apparently it was going to be some of the coldest days in Paraguay. On Wednesday, we had divisions with the sister training leaders and I stayed in Loma to lead the area with Hermana Stirling and it was soooooo great to learn from her. It was so funny- when I tried to speak English with her, Spanglish came out of my mouth! We finished off divisions celebrating with Lomitus (a fast food place in Paraguay).

On Thursday, I reunited with Hermana Tenorio and wow- I am truly going to miss her a bunch when cambios come. We taught Gladis and Fatima and it was super good to understand Gladis a little bit more and continue helping Fatima. Fatima went to the family history center on Thursday and was indexing for 5 hours with a family in our ward. She is truly such an amazing member and we love to see how she has grown already with only being a member for 1 month.

On Friday we started to get everything ready for Saturday, Thiago's baptism, and bought some refreshments and started to get the fount all cleaned and ready to be filled. On Saturday after finishing up the last few details for the baptism, Hermana Tenorio and I left from our lunch appointment to Zeballos Cue (another area in the mission in our zone) to help out with the open house of the chapel. It was a great event where both members and non-members would tour through the chapel with brief explanations of every part of the organization and then received refreshments at the end. When it finished, we rushed back to Loma to finish preparing for the baptism. Thiago's parents, grandma, uncle, and aunt came to support him. It was so great to see how much they all really love him. Hermana Tenorio and I gave Thiago's family a tour of the chapel before the services started and you could just feel so much peace and happiness. The baptismal service turned out amazing and the spirit was definitely strong in the room. There aren't many words to describe how amazing it truly is to see someone step into the baptismal font, ready to change and follow Jesus Christ. It truly is beautiful!! Thiago was then confirmed with the Holy Ghost on Sunday during sacrament meeting.

I am blessed to be here in Paraguay at this time serving the Lord and teaching people about the best gift they can receive in their lives: the Savior Jesus Christ! I know that He lives and loves each and everyone of us. With him, nothing is impossible. I love you all so much and I hope you all remember how much HE loves you! You can feel his love for you daily by reading the Book of Mormon and praying.

Much love from Paraguay,

Hermana Mendoza

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