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Faith Can Move Mountains!

Hola Amigos! I cannot believe I have finished one cambio (transfer) in Paraguay already! (one transfer= 6 weeks). Every six weeks we are assigned to an area with a companion, but after 6 weeks your area might be changed, you might get a new companion, or you'll stay with your companion in your area for another transfer. Hermana Tenorio, my companion, and I are staying together for another 6 weeks! We are pretty excited. Loma is such a great area and we love the people here too!

As my first transfer wraps up, I started to think about all the things I have learned thus far about Paraguay and Paraguayans and thought I would just share a few. 1.) Paraguayans must have super strong ankles because the roads are super uneven, rocky, and sandy 2.) Sopa Paraguay may sound like it's a soup, but it's actually a cheese & cornish type of bread (super good)! 3.) There are about 3 languages I hear on the daily: Spanish, Guarani, and Portuguese. And if you count Jopara (a mix of Spanish and Guarani), then it's 4 languages. 4.) Right now the season is winter and it's actually been a lot colder than I was expecting. (50's and sometimes high 40's) 5.) Paraguayan people are so kind and so chill. It's been so fun meeting new people and also being able to teach them about Jesus Christ. :)

On Tuesday, we had a little party during our district meeting to celebrate the end of our transfer and a going away party for one of the elders in our group who is finishing his mission. Due to transfers, about half the people in our district will be new to the area. It’s super exciting to learn from others and their insights from serving. This week, we had a lot of rejection from people we had been teaching, references we have received, and people we have found on the way. It isn’t too fun, but this week I had also been studying about faith and how important it is to gain, maintain, and most importantly to continue to growth your faith, even when you’re in hard situations. Faith is the key, and we need to remember that sometimes we’re going to have to patient to truly understand and grow our faith. In my personal study, I was reading in the Book of Mormon in Alma 36 (verses that were so glad in helping me learn about faith: 3, 19-20, and 27) and 37 (verses 6, 17, 35-37). It was such a truly great scripture study and my testimony of the Book of Mormon is so strong! I know that we can find answers to questions through reading the Book of Mormon DAILY! I want to challenge you all to read this great book daily and I promise your life will change. I know because mine has! I can’t express how grateful I truly am for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and for Heavenly Father. Without their love and guidance, I would be lost. The Book of Mormon helps us become closer to both of them and helps us see how much they are a part of our every day life. Thank you all for your love and support! I’m truly grateful and love you all!

Much love from PARAGUAY,

Hermana Mendoza

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