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Baptismal Blessings!

What a great week! I am grateful to be here in Paraguay to serve the Lord! Would you believe me if I told you that I've been in Paraguay for just a little bit over 1 month? It's so crazy how fast tie flies when you're having fun and working hard! It's so cool to reflect on how much I have grown from day 1 to right now! I could not serve a mission without the love and support of all of you and from my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ.

This week we had an AMAZING lesson with our investigator Alex about the Plan of Salvation, which answers the questions: where did I come from, why am I here, and where am I going after I die. I am so glad that through the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the Plan of Salvation, I can be able to live with my family forever and know that death isn't the end! We then challenged Alex fo a baptismal date and he accepted!We are so excited for him! On Thursday we taught Ramon and Troyo about the Restoration of the Church and wow- it was oh so powerful! Since we were teaching in the church, we finished our lesson by showing the baptismal fount and inviting Troyo to be baptized! he accepted the invitation and we are so excited to continue teaching him about the love our Savior and Heavenly Father have for all of their children (including you and me!)

On Saturday our sweet investigator Fatima was baptized! My companion and I started o clean and then fill the fount on Friday to ensure that everything would go perfectly. Our ward mission leader (person in the ward that helps with missionary work) is absolutely amazing! He brought a TV, microphone/sound system and bought tons of empanadas, tiny sandwiches, small sweets, cake, and gaseosas (soda)! President and Sister Evans (our mission president and his wife) even came! It was so amazing. My ward Loma Pyta hasn't had a baptism since October of 2017 (about a year) but the turn out was fantastic! So many from the ward came and Fatima's family (all are not members of the church) came too! It truly was such a beautiful service and I was so grateful to have been a part of the process. It truly is quite amazing to see how the gospel of Jesus Christ can change the lives of people. I am so grateful to have witnessed the happiness, peace, and gratitude Fatima had on Saturday and also Sunday when she received the Gift of the Holy Ghost. This week my companion and I saw a lot of miracles and truly felt the love of our Heavenly Father as we were working. I'd like to challenge you all to find at least 5 tender mercies that happen each day for the next week to become more aware of the love our Heavenly Father has for us. We can also find more about the love of our Savior Jesus Christ by reading the Book of mormon daily!

Thanks for all our love and support!

Much love from Paraguay,

Hermana Mendoza

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