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"You're hair reminds me of a cabbage patch doll"

I literally have no words that I am just about starting my last week out here in the good ol Bogota CCM! THAT IS SOOOOOO CRAZY!

This week has been another great one and I can't wait to tell yáll about it!

After email last week we listened to a fantastic devotional from Elder Gong, one of the twelve apostles.It was from a missionary devotional in the Provo MTC! One of the biggest take aways that I got from that devotional was that the Book of Mormon is our personal Liahona today! Now for those of you that do not know what a Liahona is it is basically a compass that will only work when you trust in God and the Spirit! To me that really stood out because honestly I have seen the power of the Book of Mormon in my life with these 5 weeks that I have been in the CCM. I have such a strong testimony that the Book of Mormon was written for our day and that we truly are able to gain comfort, guidance, and insight from reading this wonderful book with great intent!

This week I also learned just how important it is to listen! While we were working on teaching strategies we talked about why we need to listen to the Holy Ghost when we teach and why we need to listen to those we are with. I know that when we rely on the Holy Ghost we are able to truly gain insight and revelation of how we can become closer to God. I think that listening to others is just a 10/10 life lesson for us all to learn! It is amazing how the dynamic can change when we take the time to listen to others and allow them to express their thoughts and feelings! I urge you all to take this lesson to heart and try to listen a little more often when your talking with others and also when the Holy Ghost is talking to you! Many times we miss out on great opportunities, clarity, and experience.

Here are some highlights from this week:

1. During service my companions Hermana Smith, Hermana Brewerton, and I got to leave the gates of the CCM and pick the grass out of the sidewalk!

2. Elder Burt, one of the elders in my missionary district, told me that my hair reminded him of a cabbage patch doll

3. I hit my month mark of being on a mission on Saturday!

3. On Sunday we had the great opportunity of celebrating and remembering all of the wonderful fathers out there! I am so grateful for my Father in Heaven and my Father on Earth! They are both so important to me and I wouldn't be who I am without them!

I also had a great opportunity of teaching the lesson in Relief Society (an hour where the sisters meet together at church after the sacrament meeting and sunday school) about the topic of Enduring to the end! It was such a great experience and I challenge you all to reread 2 Nephi chapter 31 because it has definitely helped me endure through many thigns!

Lastly I just would like to share my testimony of how much I truly know that this gospel is true! I have made it a agoal to read the book of Mormon completely before I head out of the Bogota CCM to my mission. As I have read this Book everyday I have been filled with strength and love for my Savior. I truly do know that we have a Father in Heaven that knows and loves each and everey one ofo us and that our Savior Jesus Christ knows us perfectly too! Please read the Book of Mormon daily. I know that it can change lives because it has changed mine.

I love you all so much and love love LOVE being a missionary!

Hermana Mendoza

PS. Next time you hear from me I'll be in Paraguay! :)

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